Friday, November 28, 2008

Take the Time to Learn from the Herd

I challenge you to watch your own horses in their pasture with their herd. Quietly set and watch, see how they interact, notice the subtle things that go on within the herd. Notice how some things are merely a ear flick or a look. This will give you great in-site on your horse. And when you walk away you will feel a wonderful peace for having shared that time and space with them.

The true character of the horse is never completely revealed in the stable or in the riding school, beneath the saddle or in harness. To know him as he really is we must watch him under the open sky, in the meadow among his own kind, for there we can see how different each horse is from his companions, how the ancient law of the herd live on, and how the hierarchy is created with barley an encounter.
-Hans Heinrich Isenbart, The Beauty of the Horse