Monday, April 13, 2009

What do Lemonade and Round Pens Have In Common?

This picture is of my father clearing land a couple years ago. This location was to be the location of my Retail Tack Shop, Triple Star Tack & Livery, but due to some unforeseen circumstances I was unable to accomplish my dream.
I had been planning the project for almost 10 years. I had gotten my Bachelors in Business Administration, I had gotten the first copy of my blueprints. The builder had been there and dug the footings, the temporary electric was installed, all the necessary permits were purchased and a perk test was done. I had vendors lined up and a great business plan. I was ready to go. Then overnight things changed. I was informed that my job was being eliminated and that I was being lay ed off. No job meant no credit, no money, no Tack Shop. My dream melted away like the snow. It was heart breaking, every time I looked at the location it hurt worse. I just could not understand why this happened. I finally realized it was just not meant to be. I decided to Cowgirl Up and deal with it. I needed to move on but I had to have a reason to make some Lemonade out of the lemons I was left with. So, why not turn it into something good, something that takes the sadness out of the situation no matter how simple as long as it made me quit thinking about it. I decided I would build a Round Pen there. Seems small in comparison but it is A Sacred Circle to work my horses in, a place to build our relationship a place to train safely and effectively. Anyone that has worked with horses and built a relationship knows that it is a spiritual experience and is not something real horsemen and women take lightly. I feel calling a Round Pen a Sacred Circle is very fitting.
So last fall when my boyfriend arrived unexpectedly with his logging equipment to fill in the footing holes and level the ground I was ecstatic. I was not looking forward to filling those babies in by hand. I then inadvertantly found a great price on some fence post from a local guy and I purchased the posts and set them aside for spring.
Now that the snow is mostly gone and I decided it is time to begin the Round Pen. I had no idea that this Round Pen was going to be so wonderful, but it has begun showing me its Magic.
Yesterday on Easter Sunday my grown son showed up out of the blue to help me dig fence posts holes. Anyone that has had a 27 year old son knows that they usually have something to do besides help around the farm. It is work digging post holes by hand, but it was a fantastic job to do while being able to share time and conversation with my son. Actually he did most of the job and in record time Within 2 hours he dug 17 holes.
April 13, today another surprise. I planned to set the posts for the Round Pen, which is not a hard job just boring. The weather is cold and dreary today so I was not looking forward to going out to do it, but I wanted them set before the next rain so the holes did not fill with water and if they are set before the rain comes they will set nice and solid because the water will settle the soil around them. Completely by surprise a friend called and offered to help me set posts. She grew up on a farm and is a native to an area a few miles West of here a small town girl, the same as I am a native to this county and small town. There is something comforting in sharing a trivial task like that with someone that just knows how to do the task too. There is a connection to the land and to the task that is shared.
Next Saturday I will be going to a local auction with my Dad and a friend to look for the material for the railing.
It seems to me that God is offering me a glass of Lemonade and believe me I am guzzleing it. This whole project is turning out to be one fantastic surprise and I am very excited to find out what is in store next for my Sacred Circle.

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